So you need some help with your short game?
The importance of your score from within 80 yards of the green has always been promoted by coaches and golfers. If you pitch, chip and putt well you will undoubtedly score well and enjoy your game even more. Whether its pitching, chipping, bunker play or putting we can work together to improve every aspect of your short game and help you lower your scores on the golf course where it really matters. Have a look at these tips below and see if they help your shots from the fairway.
Pitching - Know your yardages...
Good pitching means good distance control. You probably won't be far offline with many of your shots from inside 80 yards, but in my experience getting the correct distance of shot is something that even good amateur golfers struggle with. Try working on 3 different lengths of backswing and see if you can accurately measure how far each length of swing hits the ball. Do this with your 3 or 4 wedges and all of a sudden you'll have 9 - 12 different lengths of shot you can confidently use on the golf course under pressure.
Good pitching means good distance control. You probably won't be far offline with many of your shots from inside 80 yards, but in my experience getting the correct distance of shot is something that even good amateur golfers struggle with. Try working on 3 different lengths of backswing and see if you can accurately measure how far each length of swing hits the ball. Do this with your 3 or 4 wedges and all of a sudden you'll have 9 - 12 different lengths of shot you can confidently use on the golf course under pressure.
Chipping - Focus on the ground under the ball...
Your job as a chipper is not to help the ball up into the air - that's the club's role - but it can only do its job if you allow it to. Focus on getting the bottom of the club bruising the ground just underneath the ball and you should find the ball will rise nicely up into the air. Make sure you're not digging the club into the ground too much when chipping, this will result in inconsistent strikes. Instead, focus on the clubhead approaching the ball like a plane coming gently into land. |
Pitching and chipping - keep turning through impact...
Don't make the mistake of thinking you need to keep your body still in a pitch and chip shot. You should try and make sure you turn your body gently through the follow-through to face the target when chipping and pitching. A good set up will help you do this more comfortably. Turning through to target helps make sure you strike the ball before the ground and also control the trajectory of the shot a little more consistently.
Don't make the mistake of thinking you need to keep your body still in a pitch and chip shot. You should try and make sure you turn your body gently through the follow-through to face the target when chipping and pitching. A good set up will help you do this more comfortably. Turning through to target helps make sure you strike the ball before the ground and also control the trajectory of the shot a little more consistently.